Guy de Cointet, Complete Plays
From New York to Los Angeles and finally back to Paris, the French artist Guy de Cointet has followed a singular geographical and artistic trajectory between the late 1960s and his premature death in 1983. He was in the early 1970s a frustrated painter who enjoyed making encrypted books, which he finally decided to have performed on stage. This would be the starting point for more than 20 theater plays, which are made available for the first time in this book, in their original language (French or English) and in translation. These plays reveal that, beside his artistic career as a gifted draughtsman, Guy de Cointet has become a very complex author, whose writings broke boundaries and freed themselves from the literary conventions of its time. The plays nevertheless wouldn’t always be fully understandable without the documents kept by the artist of their stagings: notes, sketches, statements, stage photographs, posters and invites complement the texts of the plays, which are introduced and contextualized by the editors.
Guy de Cointet (The Complete Plays) has been awarded with the Special Jury Prize of the 2018 Festival International du Livre d’Art et du Film.
Edited by Hugues Decointet, François Piron, Marilou Thiébault
Published by Paraguay Press
Graphic Design by Laure Giletti & Gregory Dapra
ISBN 9782918252504
448 pages
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